Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another Farewell Night!!

The scene~
Pretty ceiling lamp huh??
Advertising the soya sauce
Nice photo! Something is wrong with Kevin's eyes. LOL
No joke. This time is the real farewell gathering for Stian and Kevin. Both of them are leaving today. I reached home late last night so I'll update my blog now. We were planning to go out earlier. Yet we ended up going out at 8 something. LOL. We went to The "Sambal" which is located near Tun Jugah and of course, beside Grappa!! We were trying to find Jiing Hwa there. By the way, european pronounce "Sambal" as "Samba" with a silent "L". Local people pronounce it as "Sambal". You have to stress on the letter "L" !! Anyways, it is just a joke. LOLLL. Who cares about the L~