Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Have been having heavy head and eyelids for days...Finished reading few sets of notes but it seems nothing entered my brain..oh well...hope i can recover from this before final..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How are you

Today is the fifth day..i was so worried when i saw your facebook status saying you are having mum handed me the supplement which is very efficient to cure flu..oh well..and the propolis...Im late to hand you those...Im still your cushion approach me when you're sad or what...we will let nature take its course from now onwards...hoping nothing but you to feel happy, even its your decision, but i dont want you to feel sad either, i will feel bad cause i cant be around you anymore...unless miracle happens...dont forget to find me because im counted as understanding too..dont shed tears yea...*even my own eyes are swollen until now*

Sunday, December 25, 2011


One year has passed. Last year, we had a great one, dint we. Homemade dinner prepared by me and two heartiest presents that have been your favourite till now. Do take care of everything which is memorable yea. Dont remove the turtle's eyes. How i wished we could walk further but now, everything is totally different. I was really speechless when you told me the reasons. If i dint go your way, you wouldnt be happy either. All i wanted was just simple comfort where both parties could cope easily. Guess like I gave way to you that the problem occurred eh. Differences were always standing between us like you said, but i never mind. Who cares if we could still be happy. You can never find a couple without differences. That's all i wanna say.. Too bad things dint go like i wanted, hope you will find your real happiness and freedom once more. Merry Xmas to you. Hope you will become happier than before..I hereby lessen your burden...
Love from jd...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Missing you

Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you Miss you...miss holding your hands and walking around to show im proud to have you as my girlfriend~ I miss your laughter, your everything..I love listening to songs you recommended when im missing yoou...Merry Xmas in advance! XD i wish to have a dinner with you like last year!I know these days you are stressed over i send the dark choc(hoping it wont melt during delivery) over as representative as i myself cannot go there...hope it can soothe your mood! dont frown over exams cause you look perfect with your smile =)

Friday, December 9, 2011

like before

i will owes be the same old jd who will owes be around you whenever you need me~ multi-purpose jd eh! your personal cushion, clown, and shoulder! hehehe! even i gt many lipssssssss...XD

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hi, Im here to blog again ~
Just wanna clarify something, you said im just worried about myself..
but all im trying to say is i cherish our relationship that's why im afraid to lose you...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Because of you

Because of you, i wanna try my best to be happy here.
Because of you, i wanna correct my 'xiao qi' temper.
Because of you, i wanna improve in any way.
Good luck and jia you to both of us.
I may fussy to say lots of thing, it's because ily.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


oh well, system closed and i couldnt quit so so so :( :( :( :( :( has to go on for 1 sem, which is 6 months....D=

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I wrote something

You asked if I blogged...Im now back to blogging! People here are somehow strange as all my new friends all from different place..Of course there are something which I still cant accept..Nevermind all I need is time adapt to life here..Trust me, im gonna survive and something that must not be missed..I will bring you happiness regardless of the distance..=)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Life in a new place

People, my bed, my courses and of course you are just fine :) I have nothing to complain about anything now. Life is so nice. You bring me happiness ^^ because you live, i live

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Perfect is all i can say about my life nowadays. Im feeling much more happier than before and you know why XD Family is fine and as for my job, all i have to do is just waiting to receive my salary. Uni stuff, 80% done. When the day reach, just get on the plane and everything will be just fine. And for you, we're gonna be happy. Thanks for your everything ^^ booster for both of us!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Big Day

Today is a big big day! A day that makes my upper lips apart from the bottom lips. Guess what??!! The day really happened! SO HAPPY! Words are not enough to express how happy i am XD May we be happy ^^

Friday, July 29, 2011


Faith is something you cant see wit bare eyes. It can only be felt, without realising, I start having lots of faith in you ^^ Im sure that you can stay on the same spot.FOR SURE =] Im waiting for the day ^^

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Im still waiting for the answer for that. All you have to walk is just one step forward, and i'll do the rest.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wonderful Life

Humans are often succumbed to selfishness. Conflicts, troubles and even war are its consequences. Act fast to learn your mistake and move on beacuse dont give up coz it's a wonderful life

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Something is just not right! but i dont know what's wrong =(


Hope that I have the special ability like what Dr Xavier does..wanna know something more which isnt told~

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Own quote?? haha

The place where you're needed is the place you belong to. I dont know why but i just like it XD

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happiness =)

Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is my favorite secret of happiness. The way to being happy is to make others happy first. The more you help other people and make them happy, the more you will be happy. Happiness doesn’t come through selfishness but through selflessness. You reap what you sow.

I wan my family and friends to be happy! Same goes to you! You ! You! You need to be happy yea! =) I wont run when you need laughters! ps. Im not only comedian..HAHA..Multi purpose cushion i am >)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thank You

It has been months since we've been close. Exchanging thoughts and sometimes quarreling are somehow inevitable. From that, Ive learnt about my childishness, selfishness and stubbornness. Thank you, my companion

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


你快乐,我快乐. Plain happiness, isnt it?

Monday, May 16, 2011



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Bday to only Sy!

Happy bday to you, happy bday to you~ scary voice deafens people, so i stop singing! XD U got 1 year worries coz u can still play like hell! and dont forget u've got a fat cushion

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

These Days

Although there are some shits that got into my way, i can still buy lotsa tissue papers from supermarket when there's big sale. Armed wit tissue papers, so long shitsssss!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


这世界上有很多种花,浪漫的就爱玫瑰花,有些就爱牵牛花, 我就爱豆腐花! XD

Saturday, May 7, 2011



Monday, January 24, 2011


why am i so?
i am being too empty for years.
failed to fulfill my dream of having a nice companion.
since i'm satisfied with other aspects, it makes this more obvious.

im born like this =)

sometimes, im just being determined. it's just a better word to describe. just wanna fulfill my dream =X

anything else to add about yourself??
face smooth a bit ok liao. taller. <<-- its a must...the person said...hardworking a bit.